Walmart stores use its staff to deliver orders
Walmart has launched a new initiative whereby store employees will transfer and deliver goods to customers, as a new attempt to maintain their chances of competing with Amazon stores.
Walmart began testing the initiative in just three stores, so the employee can sign up and specify the days he wants to transport the goods, the quantity and the maximum size. On the basis of such data, the staff member will return to the house after the end of his / her work by delivering the goods and then returning home.
It is not known what incentives or material returns the employee will receive as a result of the progress of this task. But it is certainly cheaper than the cost of shipping goods and orders through a company specialized in this field.
The company said in its statement that its stores are not more than 15 kilometers away from 90% of the population of the United States of America, which owns approximately 4700 stores.
Walmart strives to stay competitive with Amazon's global stores, which are shipped free of charge when the order range is over $ 25. They are also starting to deliver cargo via unmanned aircraft, which increases the load on Walmart that needs more initiatives.
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