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Google allows sending and receiving money in its Gmail application on the Android system

e-mail Gmail is one of the most common mail services provided by Google for free users, and millions of users get the benefits Of this premium service, and take advantage of all of those services and functions available there on Gmail. Aside from the postal services where users can send and receive media files and data, Gmail Mail now supports financial transactions as well.
The Google Wallet service has been integrated into Gmail Mail on the web since 2013, and this feature exists in the web version and by clicking on the $ icon in the Create Message window, but Google has introduced this feature into the smartphone's first Android application , And Gmail users now have the ability to easily send and receive Gmail. The method may not be known to everyone, and it will be difficult for users at first sight to understand the benefits of this new and great feature, and users of the Android smartphone operating system using Gmail Through the official application, and the treatment of money is completely different to prevent users from making any mistakes during the transaction transactions on Gmail, so that the funds received through the gmail directly to their bank account and there is no fee for this free service, Android phones in the United States and the United Kingdom only currently and will be circulated globally soon to all users with the update of their Gmail application on Android phones.
The method is very simple and easy and you just need to follow some simple steps that will help you implement this, and is the safest way to do online payment as it will be through Google's own server Google's server so you do not have to worry about anything as Google says and through Next steps.

First: Open the official Google application on your Android phone and then log in to your account on the e-mail and then enter the page Create a new message Compose.
Secondly, at the bottom of the message at the attachment icon, the menu will show you new options, and there will be an option called "Send Money or Request Money". These options choose your option to either send or receive money, the option is the same But the router asks you to either send or receive money, and for new users, it may take some time to find new options.
Bien sûr, ce service est encore nouveau et comme nous l'avons mentionné est pas clair pour de nombreux utilisateurs du courrier électronique Algimil, et des éclaircissements peut regarder les vidéos suivantes.
la première vidéo
la deuxième vidéo

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